Gosset v. Lasch, Cooper, Alfred E. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California: A Sexual Harassment Case
Nathalie Gosset worked for 30 years as an engineer. In a dramatically male-dominated field (just 12 percent of engineers are women), she has built a career and made significant contributions to the advancement of technology. She is also an AAUW member and active AAUW Tech Trek supporter.
In 2003, Gosset was hired as a senior director at the Alfred E. Mann Institute at the University of Southern California alleges that she experienced sexual harassment by her supervisor and faced retaliation and termination from the job after she reported the behavior. She also lost full four-year scholarship awarded to her daughter by the university through its tuition exchange program. Read More : https://www.aauw.org/resource/gosset-v-lasch/
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates the Federal law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The law prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion.
Title VII cases are one of the types of cases adopted and supported by the AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund. Although the Gosset case is in the arbitration phase, the AAUW LAF Committee adopted this case because sexual harassment is a core issue that AAUW, and specifically LAF, fight to put an end to. Because Gosset v. Lasch is in arbitration and not a federal case, AAUW cannot offer financial support. However, we will dedicate our moral support to this individual, to her case, and to the upholding of Title VII’s protections.
The AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund has been crucial to the success of many gender discrimination cases during its 35-year history. The case support program provides financial and organizational backing for plaintiffs who are challenging gender discrimination in education and the workplace. The funds come directly from the generous contributions of AAUW members.