The Power of Membership
“I was looking for a way to be involved in the community for the betterment of women. AAUW is a perfect blend of my interests and talents.” –Ann
Whether you’re still chasing your dreams or happily living them, AAUW can help — and we’ve been doing just that for more than 130 years. Our nonpartisan, nonprofit organization has more than 170,000 members and supporters across the United States, as well as 1,000 local branches and over 800 college and university partners.
AAUW makes sure that nothing stands in the way of women and girls achieving what they want in life, and we couldn’t do it without the passionate community of women — and men — who bring our mission to life across the country. From equal pay to increasing opportunities for women in STEM to expanding women’s leadership, we’re at the forefront of making change happen. Throughout our history, AAUW members have examined and taken positions on the fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political.
As an AAUW member, there are many ways to get involved. Our monthly meetings, featuring thoughtful speakers on topics that are interesting and thought provoking, form the backbone of our branch. Looking to be more involved? You can find opportunities to volunteer here and in every newsletter. Also, take a look at Interest Groups and Community Activites to see how much fun we have!
AAUW Carlisle Branch held its charter meeting on May 10, 1924, in Old West on the college campus. Chaired by Josephine Meredith, dean of women at Dickinson College, 47 of the 54 charter members were Dickinson alumnae. We continue a great relationship with Dickinson College today–holding our meetings and many events on campus. In 2015, Dickinson College became a College/University partner member. The collaboration and friendships are just beginning. In the first year, Carlisle Branch members assisted the students with a voter registration event and equal pay bake sale, and enjoyed social interactions.
Interested in joining our vibrant AAUW Carlisle organization?
We welcome persons holding an associate or equivalent (RN), baccalaureate, or higher degree from an accredited college or university.
Annual Dues: $104 (inclusive of AAUW National, AAUW PA and Carlisle Branch dues).
Two Membership Sign-up Options: Join and pay dues ONLINE (choose the “Branch Member” option) OR download the AAUW Carlisle Membership Application and return the completed form with your check made out to AAUW Carlisle for annual membership dues.
Membership with AAUW means that you’re part of a community dedicated to changing the climate for women and girls. As an AAUW member, you will not only have access to valuable resources but also discounted pricing on some merchandise and services. It’s one more way to express our gratitude for all your support to empower women and improve the lives of millions of women and families. With each purchase, AAUW receives a royalty that is used to support the work we do. Click here and scroll down to find out more about AAUW Member Benefits.
The Carlisle Branch is governed by a Board of nine elected officers, eleven appointed Committee Chairpersons, and six appointed Coordinators guided by Carlisle Branch Bylaws and 2021-2023 Policies and Procedures.