Wednesday, November 29th the the AAUW Dickinson College student organization hosted Carlisle AAUW Career Panel. Five AAUW Carlisle members were invited to discuss their careers. This event is one example of the great relationship between our branch and the student organization.
Each panelist shared their education and career story. Common themes–a Liberal Arts education is a great foundation; careers have twists and turns; take advantage of opportunities when presented; returning to school for an advanced degree can be done at any age. When asked for one piece of advice–don’t underestimate what you can do; your integrity (reputation) is paramount; can have career and family, but requires spouse support and creativity (studying during naps); don’t apologize for not wanting a spouse and/or children. One question was how to handle being in a male-dominated field. Be yourself–not one of the boys; maintain professional demeanor; understand the jobs around you–boss, subordinates, peers–to know where to make a unique impact; build relationships, build relationships, build relationships.