And, here is how. AAUW Carlisle members. . . .
- Award Higher Education Scholarships to qualifying Cumberland County women college students every year.
- Create societal change through non-partisan advocacy on issues impacting women and girls. Issues include: Education, Gender Pay Equity, Title IX, STEM, Economic Security, Get Out The Vote.
- Partner with Dickinson College AAUW collegiate chapter.
- Collaborate with like-minded organizations in Carlisle and Cumberland County.
- Learn and grow through content rich monthly meetings, (August–May)
- Socialize while attending an interest group activity: Book Group, Bridge Flight, Cultural Outings, Gourmet Dinner Group.
Interested in learning more about membership?
Check out This and That for tidbits of information about AAUW.
New Member Social–March 2019
On a beautiful Spring day, seven new members had the opportunity to make connections with one another and learn about AAUW at the national, state, and local level. Every member has an interesting story and we are so fortunate they joined AAUW Carlisle. Our host’s hospitality and the Membership Committee’s food added the finishing touches to a wonderful event.
New Member Social–March 2018
Did you know that AAUW not only participates in robust programs like voting rights, equal pay and student scholarships, but also partners with important coalitions such as Women’s Law Project and Women’s Caucus in the Legislature? New members learned about this and more as they gathered on a beautiful sunny day for a New Member Social at the lovely home of a n AAUW Carlisle member. The purpose of the social was to welcome new members, learn their stories, as well as gain knowledge of the many volunteer opportunities and initiatives that AAUW Carlisle offers. The backgrounds among the ladies range from human resources, insurance, state government just to name a few.
Guests heard from program chairs, shared cutting edge ideas, mingled over delightful refreshments and left feeling inspired. Nine new members attended. Special thanks to the membership committee and chairs who organized and participated in the event. Welcome!
Interested in joining AAUW Carlisle?
Learn about us and find membership information here.