Two organizations in Carlisle provide a “home” for AAUW Carlisle. The Bosler Library is the place for our Board meetings and community events. Jeff Swope, Executive Director of the Bosler Library was unable to attend. Thank you for providing high quality space for organizations to meet.
Our relationship with Dickinson College is deep and multi-faceted. Our first meeting, May 10, 1924 was in Old West. Dickinson College is an AAUW collegiate partner. And there is an AAUW student organization. We hold branch meetings and community events at Dickinson College with no room charge. This generosity is not taken for granted and is very much appreciated. Brenda Bretz, Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness & Inclusivity, represented Dickinson College this evening. We are very proud of our association with Dickinson College. Please accept our sincere gratitude for a wonderful relationship.
Only seen on special occasions is the silver Tea set. Retrieved from the Dickinson archives and polished for tonight’s appearance, this tea set presided over the annual Tea Social, a tradition of a bygone era.
Without these next guests, AAUW Carlisle would not be successful fulfilling the AAUW mission in our community. Our strength comes from fabulous collaborations with League of Women Voters Carlisle, Hope Station, and YWCA Carlisle.
- Ella Forsyth, President of League of Women Voters Carlisle, and her husband Robert Zieff join us this evening. Ella, we enjoy sharing voter registration and voter education responsibilities with the League in an effort to create a more informed electorate.
- Please welcome Safronia Perry, Executive Director, Hope Station. Safronia, we appreciate working with you on community events, voter regist
ration, our newest adventure – AAUW Work Smart salary negotiation workshops.
- Finally, recognize Robin Scaer, Executive Director, YWCA Carlisle. Robin, what started out as a request for space has grown into a wonderful collaboration partnership. There is little we accomplish in the community without collaborating with you.
We were so pleased our friends and partners joined us for tonight’s celebration.